“Terror on the Train!” — True Stories of Haunted Railroads & Phantom Trains
When we were doing our “Real Cowboys & Aliens” series of books, we kept encountering many stories about strange, paranormal events happening in and around the trains and railroads of the Old West. We have put all these amazing stories together in this one volume. This is the second book in our new series called “Old West Paranormal. https://amzn.to/4hIqpO8

Stories of phantom trains sailing across the railroad tracks are a staple of the Old West. In that spirit, the authors dug deep into the recesses of Old West-era newspapers to unearth horrifying accounts of phantom trains and ghostly railroad workers haunting the tracks. Watch as the Lincoln Funeral Train sails through New York and run from the Phantom Train of Marshall Pass in the Rocky Mountains. Fear the apparition of Ghost Hill, Texas, then board the Northern Pacific Railroad’s Locomotive No.13 for a haunted ride through Montana. Round up Old Ruidoso, the ghost steer who caused a terrible trainwreck outside of Amarillo, and witness the Devil’s Lake Monster from within the safety of a passenger car as it passes through North Dakota. Tour the haunted railroad station of St. Paul, Minnesota, before exploring the ghostly happenings of the Bostian Bridge Horror in North Carolina. Finally, escape a vampire in a collapsed railroad tunnel in Church Hill, Virginia, and survive a train wreck caused by a cursed circus mummy outside of San Diego, California…
This recent book from Noe Torres & John LeMay is available at Amazon.com.
“Terror in the Mines!” — Paranormal Encounters in the Old West
When we were doing our “Real Cowboys & Aliens” series of books, we kept running across stories about strange, paranormal happenings related to the mines and miners of the Old West. So we put all these stories together into this new book! I hope everyone enjoys!!! This is the first book in a new series called “Old West Paranormal. https://amzn.to/3NoTOzM

Stories of ghosts guarding buried treasure and mines plagued by foreboding specters have been a staple of campfire tales for generations. In that spirit, the authors dug deep into the recesses of Old West-era newspapers to unearth horrifying accounts of terror in the mines. In Arizona, thrill to stories of a wraith in Tombstone’s Bronco Mine, then brave the spirits that guard the Muerta Mine near Marfa, Texas. In Oklahoma, hear the fierce cries of the screaming ghosts of Snake Creek and run from the Headless Horseman that guards a gold cache in the Kiamichi Mountains. Exhume the grave of a dead Colorado miner thought to have been a vampire and escape the hellhounds that roam Nevada’s El Dorado Canyon. In New Mexico, heed the warnings of Tommyknockers in the coal mining town of Dawson, dare to search Montezuma’s gold in a cave inhabited by a titanic rattlesnake in Apache Canyon, and watch an army of undead warriors defend a lost mine near Shiprock. Also included are paranormal tales of miners and prospectors witnessing floating cities, escaping monstrous creatures, and even sighting what may have been UFOs!
This recent book from Noe Torres & John LeMay is available at Amazon.com.
Book Discloses “Lost” UFO Cases of the Old West
Unidentified flying objects were seen frequently in the skies over North America during the mid to late 1800s, according to Lost UFO Cases of the Old West, a new book by authors Noe Torres and John LeMay. The book is available at Amazon.com.
Although they have previously written six books about UFO incidents from the 1800s, the authors say that they continue to discover more cases, causing them to keep writing. “This is our second Lost Cases book,” Torres said, “The term ‘lost’ indicates that these incidents are mostly unknown, having vanished into history. Yet when one reads them, they are amazing from the perspective of what we now know about UFOs.”
Among the cases covered in this book is an incredible 1854 sighting over the nation’s capitol during the administration of U.S. president Franklin Pierce. People walking the streets of Washington, D.C. were astonished to see an extremely bright “crimson red” light moving slowly across the sky above them.
In 1884, onlookers in New York City also saw a jaw-dropping sight that some called a “meteor” but had very strange characteristics. It was described in Scientific American magazine as looking like a “gigantic sword of fire, moving handle first.” The resemblance to a modern rocket launch is uncanny. Religionists called it a “sign or wonder” from God.
Among the strangest of these cases was the landing in 1897 of a strange craft near Linn Grove, Iowa, out of which came two “queer-looking” humanoids. One of the eyewitnesses said the two occupants of the UFO “had the longest whiskers they ever saw in their lives.” As the creatures left, they dropped two strange “stones” made of an unknown material.
These are just a few of the many strange cases contained in this new book by Torres and LeMay, who also authored a series of books called The Real Cowboys & Aliens. They previously published The Real Cowboys & Aliens: The Lost Cases and Space Monsters of the Old West. Their latest book is available at Amazon.com.
New Book Discloses Stunning Encounter with UFO that Shot Beams of Fire in South Texas
In 1966, eight construction workers in Edinburg, Texas, were terrified by a huge UFO that broke out of a cloud bank and began firing a “heat ray” at them and their camp site.
A new book describes an astonishing UFO incident from 1966 that took place in deep South Texas, near the Mexican border, and has only recently been disclosed. The 124-page book titled Fire From the Sky: 1966 UFO Incident in Edinburg, Texas is available on Amazon.com as a paperback and as an eBook, at https://amzn.to/3LNwZFx.
Author Noe Torres, whose work has been featured on History Channel, Travel Channel, Coast to Coast AM, and others, was first contacted about this case in 2012 by eyewitness Jose J. Ponce. Ponce’s dad was the deputy sheriff that was dispatched to the scene of the UFO encounter in 1966, but due to pressure from the military, his dad promised to never reveal what happened in his lifetime. It was only after Deputy Ponce passed away that his son decided to come forward with one of the most remarkable UFO cases ever recorded in the South Texas region.
As a crew of eight construction workers relaxed in their mobile home after a tough day of excavating caliche, their work camp was suddenly “invaded” by a large, illuminated UFO that came out of a cloud bank and hovered directly above their mobile home. The object kicked up storm-like conditions at the work site, and the men raced outside in terror, experiencing gale-force winds and a loud throbbing / humming sound.
In the chaos and confusion, one of the workers discharged his weapon at the hovering UFO, and what happened next is beyond belief. Shortly after, Deputy J. R. Milo Ponce was dispatched to assess what had happened, and he was later joined at the scene by his son, Jose J. Ponce, whose story of the incident formed the basis for this book.
After the story of this amazing encounter came out in 2012, the town where it happened — Edinburg, Texas — began having an annual commemoration. The Edinburg UFO Festival has, over the years, grown into one of the top UFO festivals in the world, having recently been rated the 3rd best by Listverse.com.
Fire From the Sky: 1966 UFO Incident in Edinburg, Texas is the first book ever written about this case, drawing on the author’s firsthand involvement with the case and his close relationship with eyewitness Jose J. Ponce. The book is available directly from Amazon.com as a paperback and as an eBook, at https://amzn.to/3LNwZFx.
UFO Encounters of the 1930s
Noe Torres and John LeMay have written a series of books about UFO cases that happened in the U.S. prior to 1940. They began with cases from the early 1800s and have recently released their latest book, UFOs in the Turbulent Thirties, available on Amazon as a paperback, hardcover, and e-book. This 211-page volume looks at many major UFO sightings that happened in America from 1930 to 1939! The book is available at: https://bit.ly/3OgIV2G.
It seems that “flying saucers” would be the farthest thing from the minds of Americans in the 1930s, and yet a new book proves otherwise. UFOs of the Turbulent Thirties discloses many astonishing UFO sightings that took place from 1930 – 1939, as America suffered through the Great Depression, gangsters roamed large cities, and the nation was on the verge of joining World War II. The new book is available at https://amzn.to/3ggAJCO.
The book by UFO researchers Noe Torres and John Lemay is the eighth in a series covering the history of American UFO sightings from the year 1800 to 1939. Although UFOs did not fully enter the public consciousness until 1947, Torres and LeMay’s books have disclosed thousands of significant encounters during America’s formative years.
“Thousands of books have been written about UFO sightings in the 1940s and afterward,” Torres said, “But our books are among the very few that focus on cases prior to 1940. This latest book proves that the 1930s was a particularly active period for UFO and alien encounters throughout the U. S.”
Included in the book is the amazing story of Nazi Germany’s efforts to reverse-engineer flying saucer technology and thereby conquer the world. In fact, according to the authors, the Nazis believed they were descended from extraterrestrials and were therefore entitled to exploit these advanced technologies, including experiments into time travel! Nazi experiments on rockets began in 1934.
Also out of the 1930s came the idea of a race of extraterrestrials with Reptilian features. Some Nazi intellectuals believed a master race of Reptilians lived in underground bases on Earth and had developed a powerful liquid energy source known as “Vril.”
While UFOs began grabbing headlines in the 1940s, the thirties saw thousands of accounts of major sightings throughout the U.S. Mysterious “Ghost Fliers” lit up the skies all over the country, appearing to be much more advanced than the aircraft of the time period.
The book also includes a truly astonishing story of alien bodies and a recovered UFO that were supposedly stored beneath the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. in 1935! Also covered is an apparent mass alien abduction of an entire tribe of Eskimos from the shores of Angikuni Lake. UFOs of the Turbulent Thirties is available at https://amzn.to/3LNwZFx.
America in the 1920s was a country on the move, with airplanes becoming more sophisticated, technology progressing rapidly, and medicine conquering many diseases. But rarely mentioned by history books were the frequent sightings of unidentified flying objects. These unusual stories are told in the book UFOs in the Roaring Twenties: American Sightings 1920-1929, written by UFO researcher Noe Torres and Roswell, New Mexico, historian John LeMay. The 248-page volume is available in paperback, hardcover, and e-book at https://amzn.to/
In the 1920s, manned flight had finally become commonplace. Aviators such as Charles Lindbergh “slipped the surly bonds” and began exploring the heavens. But even as humans sought to conquer the skies, they often encountered strange “airships” that clearly were not manmade and that exhibited amazing aviation technology that exceeds even the aircraft of the 21st century!
Another mysterious UFO crash took place in July 1920 in the woods outside of Iowa City, Iowa. Although local residents assumed that an airplane had gone down, the evidence found at the crash site told a different story. The crashed ship had no “engine” in the conventional sense!
Bethel, North Carolina, had its own close encounter in September 1920 when a UFO landed in the middle of a cotton field. It was described as a large, metallic-silver object “like two pie pans placed together, lip to lip.” Out of the craft stepped two “little bald” humanoids, shocking the eyewitnesses.
Texas experienced its own unique UFO case in October 1920, when four flying discs were spotted by fishermen just north of Freeport. The witness said the UFOs looked “like two big silver plates set edge to edge.”
These are a few of the many strange stories in the book UFOs in the Roaring Twenties: American Sightings 1920-1929, written by Noe Torres and John LeMay. Available in paperback, hardcover, and e-book, this recent release may be purchased from Amazon at https://amzn.to/
Message from author Noe Torres: I am very happy to announce the release of my book, The Real Cowboys & Aliens: The Lost Cases, co-written with my friend John LeMay of Roswell, New Mexico. When John and I finished our three book series, covering UFO & paranormal sightings of the 1800s, we found ourselves with many additional cases that we we left out of the original three books. Although these “Lost Cases” were not included in the previous books, they are no less worthy of publication – so we have put them all together in one more volume of our “Real Cowboys & Aliens” series!!! Be sure to grab your copy at: https://amzn.to/3x5Dwmg
Here is the introduction to the book: The world of Ufology has undoubtedly seen some strange cases over the years… but none so strange as these. Some the authors overlooked, others were simply too strange to include in the main series, until now. If you loved the first three books in The Real Cowboys and Aliens series, then prepare for a new set of revelations in The Lost Cases! After reading this book, you’ll ask yourself: What did Mexican Revolutionary Pancho Villa have to do with the infamous crystal skull of doom? How close did the Confederate Army come to building a fleet of airships during the Civil War? What’s behind the mystery of the Moon-Eyed People of the Southeastern United States? How did a Missouri town attempt to profit off of a recent airship crash nearly fifty years before Roswell tried the same thing? Were strange rains of blood and animals from the sky the result of UFOs carelessly emptying their craft of abducted specimens? And, could it be that some of the airships were in fact the creations of a secretive group known as the Sonora Air Club in the 1850s? The book is also available for the Kindle at: https://amzn.to/3kTlkr6.