Long before the first airplane took flight, when nothing but birds should have been in the skies, the early residents of the United States witnessed bizarre unidentified flying objects of all sizes, shapes, and descriptions. They encountered strange beings that clearly were not human, including “Men in Black” and possibly time travelers. They saw huge motherships, underwater UFOs, and other unexplainable wonders. Some of America’s most famous early historical figures, including Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, George Washington, shared an interest in UFOs and extraterrestrials. Contained within these pages is the “other” American History that you were never taught in school!
Order your copy today from Amazon using the link provided — The Real Cowboys & Aliens: Early American UFOs. The Kindle edition is available at
Best-selling author Donald Schmitt says, “What Torres and LeMay have clearly defined in this suspenseful thriller tome, is that the UFO accounts portrayed throughout this exhaustively researched work, remain in a separate class…. Aside from a rare hot-air balloon or dirigible, there was nothing else in the air back then… or on the ground; the witnesses are clearly describing something which precedes the Wright Brothers technology…. The simple fact that such cases exist in an era where the sky above us was still pristine and H. G. Wells had yet to conquer the Earth with Martians should captivate us all….”
Order your copy today from Amazon using the link provided — The Real Cowboys & Aliens: Early American UFOs. The Kindle edition is available at